How Raise Your Step Count in the Final Days of Winter
Written By Courtney McMahan, RD
Edited by Vanessa Carrillo April 2023
While the days are finally getting longer and many of us are starting to get some relief from the cold, dark days of winter, it can still be a challenge to reach your 10,000 daily step goal while we’re waiting for spring to make its official appearance. Let’s look at some ways to up your step count on the days it’s still too cold out for long evening walks.
Go for a mid-day walk
With evenings and mornings that are still a bit too chilly for comfort, your afternoon lunch break is prime-time for sneaking in a 30 minute power walk. Noon to five pm are the warmest hours of the day, so try to find some time to break away from your desk during this window.
Put on some layers
Extra clothing will trap in the body heat you generate during your walk, keeping you nice and toasty. Wear a sweatshirt under your jacket, put on your thickest pair of socks, and choose a hat that covers your ears.
Warm up before you head out
Getting your blood flowing indoors before taking a walk outside can make windy, chilly air a lot more bearable. Take five minutes before your walk to do some laps around the inside of your house, jog in place, or perform a few sets of an exercise like push ups, jumping jacks, or dancing on the bed.
Walk indoors
Treadmill walks can get boring sometimes, but you can make them more exciting by curating a playlist of your favorite music or choosing an interesting podcast to listen to. Additionally, you can walk or jog in place while you watch tv or try out a walking exercise video.
Find windows throughout the day to pace
While it might seem trivial, finding opportunities to pace during the day can really add up. Try pacing while talking on the phone, brushing your teeth, or waiting for something to heat in the microwave. Any idle time that you are just standing or sitting around in between daily activities is time that you could be squeezing in extra steps.
Reaching your daily step goal during the final days of winter can be challenging, but it's not impossible. By taking advantage of the warmer mid-day hours, bundling up in extra layers, warming up before heading outside, walking indoors, and finding opportunities to pace throughout the day, you can increase your step count and stay active even when the weather is less than ideal. So don't let the winter blues get you down, get moving and keep pushing towards your fitness goals.